Direct service nodig? +31 (0) 544 – 76 90 09

Wellink Equipment

feels at home

in any landscape

Discover the machines

See our machines for wetland areas, water edges, or forest and tree maintenance.

With our wide range and years of experience, we are happy to advise you on the product that best suits your work.

Service & Parts

Machine Rental

for temporary use

Used machines

Our brands

About Wellink

Wellink offers end-users and fleet owners the opportunity to benefit from a short and efficient purchasing line. This is made possible by Wellink purchasing directly from manufacturers. Wellink sells high-quality products and technology. The combination of various techniques aims to achieve cost reductions in the various off-road industries.

Wij gaan verder: Wellink Equipment heeft samen met diverse partijen – waaronder wetland eigenaren, universiteiten en eindverwerkers van paludicultuur (natte teelt) – verschillende biomassa-oogstsystemen ontwikkeld. De geoogste gewassen, zoals lisdodde, riet, gras, spaghnum, rietgras en heide, worden verzameld en gebruikt in diverse bio-based eindproducten, zoals bouw- of isolatiemateriaal.


We are looking for:

  • Service technician
  • Mechanical engineering technician